Dec 7, 2009

[Super Hero News] Bleeding Cool: Lying In The Gutters - 7th December

Bleeding Cool: Lying In The Gutters - 7th December
Lying In The Gutters - 7th December
Posted: 07 Dec 2009 11:00 AM PST

This week I have been roundly mocked, first by Ragnall, then by Laura Hudson as well as oodles of commentators in a game I like to call spot-the-hypocrit. I know I should never get dragged into these things but what happens is that I always jump in with both feet, occasionally in my mouth, on the basis of, well, "Someone is wrong on the internet." etc.

Note how it seems anything can cause controversy somewhere.

So what else? If you're subscribed by e-mail and didn't get the last two mails, my bad, click here and here. I forgot to put the Lying In The Gutters tag on until after publication. Won't happen again. And if you're not subscribed by e-mail to this column, click somewhere on the right. Your right, my left.

So what's been up this week on the Cool?

* Fun rubbishing a Swipe File with Kick Ass and Domestico. But for some reason decided not to run anything with Nemesis and Owlman.

* A great All-Star crossover parody, The Blacker Knight, Alan Moore singing, the Doctor Who BBC One idents,

* Exclusive news and artwork on the Ellen DeGeneres and WWE comics - before press releases were suddenly sent out by the companies, and everyone else followed up.

* Ton of hits for telling people that the British government was cancelling a comics-for-troops programme, and lots of feedback, including from MPs.

* A big piece on Dave Elliot challenging Radical Entertainment and their promotion of the Aladdin comic book, with Gianluca Glazer of Radical adding in the comments;

I just want to say that there are two sides to this story. Yes, the truth will eventually come out.

Possibly in October for the court case.

* A list of big commercial comics to buy people for Christmas that they might actually like.

* Nite how Marvel are still beating DC Comics despite the plastic ring promotion.

* Twinterview with Mike Benson (eventually) as his new Deadpool Team Up comic was coming out.

* Stalking Grant Morrison here and there. We asked Dynamite if they were going to pay creators owed by the Dabel Bros after the buyout.

* Oh and a couple of hours ago, looked at some of the debts owed by Devil's Due to its creators.

We said goodbye to Dennis O'Neill's column. And are promised a return from Warren Ellis this week.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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