Sep 26, 2010



From: Randolph HOPPE
Subject: [kirby-l] Here's a new Kirby forum

Hey all,

I'm happy to let you all know that the Kirby Museum is starting up a new,
public Kirby discussion group. In trying to figure out how to get more
content freely available online - like a feed of current conversations on
the Museum's home page or an archive of messages that's freely indexable
searchable by any person or search engine - I thought a public group might
a fun and interesting way to go. Who knows, it might even foster the
Museum's profile to a wider audience.

Since Kirby-L has been a private group, with its archives only being open
to members and the Museum maintaining only archival/indexing rights, it's
only fair to start a new group rather than retroactively change Kirby-L's
terms. It's safe to say that all of the private "comicbook cartoonist"
(Kirby, Ditko, Eisner, Kurtzman, Moebius) will be made into reference-only

Also, in order to help folks who come across a Kirby Museum-sponsored Kirby
discussion group to actually find Kirby content, I'm trying to focus the
discussions a little more. The scope of the Kirby group will be broad, as
described in the Museum's Mission Statement (see _kirbymuseum.org_
( ), but a Chat group is starting up as well.

Efforts will be made to keep the discussion friendly and respectful. It's
understandable that differences in opinion will arise, and arguments will
ensue, but anyone who repeatedly gets too agitated or too personal will no
longer be welcome to participate.

If you already have a Google account, or are willing to open one (they're
free, gmail is pretty good, by the way), click on the links below and click
on the "Apply for Group Membership" link on the upper right:

New Kirby Discussion group:

Kirby Museum Chat group:

If you don't have a Google account, don't want one, or just want to send
and receive group messages via email, send emails to these addresses:


Best wishes,

- Rand

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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