Jun 5, 2010

[Super Hero News] Mania Weekly Newsblast: Summer Movies, The Hobbit, Captain America and More


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The month of June enters the genre realm and studio executives across Hollywood are hoping that things will turn around after scoring one of the lowest Memorial Day box office races in 17 years.

Everyone's hoping for a little rejuvenating spirit and who better to bring that to the front than Mania's Movie Maven, aka Tara Perry, sounding off on this summer's movie line-up.

Summer Movie Lovin' With the Maven

Url: http://www.mania.com/video_133_summer-movie-lovin-maven/



6 Degrees from U2 to The A-Team

Url: http://www.mania.com/6-degrees-from-u2-to-ateam_article_122955.html

How does a band like U2 connect to an action bonanza like 20th Century Fox's upcoming The A-Team? Leave it to Mania's experts to connect the dots.

9 Directors Who Could Direct The Hobbit

Url: http://www.mania.com/9-directors-could-direct-hobbit_article_122961.html

With Guillermo del Toro out of The Hobbit, finding a director for the next Middle Earth adventure is proving more difficult than killing Smaug. Being the fans of the book that we are, we want to see this film get done, so to help on the director search we have composed a list of possible candidates.

10 Biggest Bad Ass Anime Gunslingers

Url: http://www.mania.com/10-biggest-bad-ass-anime-gunslingers_article_122944.html

The summer movie season is upon us and once again theaters will be full of men and women running through a hail of bullets and showing off their gun slinging skills. Here's 10 anime and manga gunslinger characters who could send even the most die hard action hero diving for cover.

10 Brilliant Foreign Sci-Fi Films

Url: http://www.mania.com/10-brilliant-foreign-scifi-films_article_122923.html

We don't usually think of foreign films and science fiction in the same context. Some are indisputable classics of the genre; others are hidden gems in need of rediscovery. But all of them expand and enhance the genre in ways that no American studio film can, providing an alternate look at the future, the cosmos and our own humanity.

15 Movie Characters We Should Honor on Memorial Day

Url: http://www.mania.com/15-movie-characters-should-honor-memorial-day_article_122885.html

With the Memorial Day sentiment in mind, we here at Mania realize it's that time of year again; time to take reflect back on those brave fictional souls who selflessly sacrificed themselves for the good of the plot, so that we may participate in a more enjoyable movie experience.


Guillermo Del Toro Leaves The Hobbit Production

Url: http://www.mania.com/del-toro-exits-hobbit_article_122903.html

With The Hobbit and its sequel indefinitely delayed due to MGM bankruptcy, director Guillermo del Toro has been forced to exit the project to focus on his other commitments. Find out what the Maniacs had to say here.

Captain America Costume Revealed!

Url: http://www.mania.com/captain-america-first-look_article_122953.html

Want to see how Captain America will look in Marvel Studios' upcoming adaptation of the famed comic hero? Well, click on the link above to see some illustrations of what his costume will look like.

Tons of Predators Material Online

Url: http://www.mania.com/new-predators-posters-hit_article_122949.html

Nearly a month after 20th Century Fox revealed their last of five behind-the-scene character featurettes for Predators, the studio has now unleashed two new character posters. Maniacs can check out the new posters and all five video clips here.

Thor Costume: First Look

Url: http://www.mania.com/thor-costume-first-look_article_122970.html

Captain America isn't the only upcoming comic movie hero revealed this week. Some illustrations for Thor's cosmic duds have also appeared online for you Maniacs.

Sherlock Holmes 2 Release Date Set

Url: http://www.mania.com/holmes-2-release-date-set_article_122984.html

Warner Bros. Pictures has a release date planned for their next Holmes adventure and it will be going up against some heavy competition. Find out what pictures will compete against it here.

Dennis Hopper Dies at 74

Url: http://www.mania.com/dennis-hopper-dies-74_article_122893.html

Dennis Hopper died on Saturday at the age of 74 from complications of prostate cancer. Here's where you Maniacs can sound off on the iconic actor.

Four Clips for The A-Team

Url: http://www.mania.com/four-clips-for-ateam_article_122964.html

Just a week before The A-Team arrives in theaters, 20th Century Fox has revealed four more clips for their action-focused adaptation of the popular '80s TV series. Check them out here.



Splice Movie Review

Url: http://www.mania.com/splice-movie-review_article_122980.html

It starts with a monster. But then, it always does, doesn't it? Created in a lab, intended for great things, but undone by the hubris and short-sightedness of its creators, it ultimately destroys those who presume to nurture and protect it while leaving behind some short-hand lessons about poking Mother Nature in places that really piss her off.

The Wolfman Blu-ray Review

Url: http://www.mania.com/wolfman-bluray-review_article_122925.html

All of the elements of those old Universal classics are here: a Gothic old estate, misty covered forests, and angry townspeople marching with torches. There's even the ubiquitous scene as the suspicious town-folk sit around the local pub talking about superstitions.

Happy Town: Sleight of Hand Review

Url: http://www.mania.com/happy-town-slight-hand-review_article_122979.html

It's been nearly a month since Happy Town has been on the air and it last ended on a cliffhanger where the enigmatic, seemingly supernatural Magic Man kidnapped Rachel Conroy, the wife of Sheriff Tommy "TC" Conroy. Thus, the search is on.


Mania Weekly Newsblast
The Destination for Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror and Anime Entertainment
June 2010

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