Feb 8, 2010

[Super Hero News] Bleeding Cool: Lying In The Gutters - 8th February 2010.


Bleeding Cool: Lying In The Gutters - 8th February 2010.
Lying In The Gutters - 8th February 2010.
Posted: 08 Feb 2010 09:52 AM PST

Secret Avengers by Brubaker and Deodato Jr? I want more adjectives dammit! Avengers Academy won't be enough, I want Preppy Avengers Academy!!

So what else has been happening this week? Oh yes.

I broke out the Young Justice League cartoon news, and thought that, wow, that was going to be my biggest story of the week. And combined with a great Vampirella shot from Joe Jusko, a SFW Batporn trailer, and Jim Shooter's affidavit against DC Comics and Grant Morrison gave the site its biggest day's traffic to date.

I emphasise to date.

Because the next day I ran a little story regarding a planned Watchmen spinoff comic book project at DC Comics. And boom. A number of sites followed it up, spinning the story as Watchmen movie sequel story (which it wasn't) but at least they almost all linked back. As did Nikki Finke when she pointed out how wrong the movie aspect was. And the comics creators were talking about it too.

Adding the return of Spider-Girl to her own monthly book, Brendan McCarthy taking Paradax and more to Hollywood and that Olivia Munn was legally threatening comic shops was just gravy.

You know, any other week, the exclusive script review of NBC's The Cape would have been our biggest story. This week it didn't crack the top ten.

So what else? I previewed Batman And Robin and Nemesis nicely, looked at voting revelations at Angoulême, got details of Bill Murray in Ghostbusters 3, noted the return of Josh Hoopes, asked if Alan Moore was on Lost, talked up Jen Contino, clarified a Joe Casey interview, gave away Fall Out Toy Works for free and ran a swipe file on myself.

I also talked up he return of Fell, Neil Gaiman's confirmation he was writing Who, iPad reaction from software developers, Vertigo movie possibilities, and may have plugged Chase Variant and Rob Liefeld's chase variant cover for. Chase Variant.

And I welcomed new columnist and comic shop employee Nevs Coleman to the Cool to replace Alex De Campi and joined Adi Tantimedh. More from Nevs tomorrow!

Thank you servers. You did well. High five!

(Note to self - never attempt to high five a server. Ow.)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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