Oct 30, 2009

[Super Hero News] Mania Weekly Newsblast: Spiderman Vs. Batman, Must Have DC Comics, Thor News


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5 DC Comic Must Make Movies

Url: http://www.mania.com/5-dc-must-make-movies_article_118107.html

With DC Comics and Warner Bros' recent restructuring in mind, we've compiled a list of Must Have DC Movies: the characters that need to be given some love on the big screen and in theaters near you.

Spider-Man vs. Batman

Url: http://www.mania.com/spiderman-vs-batman_article_118074.html
Picture: http://cdn-www.mania.com/content_pics/000005/38/53/4e31fef28501eded_thumb.jpg

When Batman runs into a guy with a Spider-Man motif, he figures there's a good chance this could be the multiple armed criminal he's heard about. You know the two have got to fight before they team up and take out the bad guy, right? So who will win? Batman or Spider-Man?

5 Star Wars Storylines That Should Be Made Into Movies

Url: http://www.mania.com/5-star-wars-storylines-should-made-into-movies_article_118053.html

With the Star Wars Expanded Universe as populated as it is, growing thick within multiple mediums of Books, Comics, Television & Games, let's take a look at some great SW tales which should be made into movies.

10 Male Headaches of Anime

Url: http://www.mania.com/10-male-headaches-anime_article_118033.html
Picture: http://cdn-www.mania.com/content_pics/000005/59/53/2553d8eeea1bcb7f_thumb.jpg

Everyone has a handful of fictional characters who they just can't stand, but in the world of anime it's usually the women who are known for being the whining, crying, tripping, irritating pains in the you-know-what. But as much as the big breasted blockheads of anime can annoying us, there are quite a few men who annoy us even moreand here are 10 of them.

5 Comics That Should Be Rated R Movies

Url: http://www.mania.com/5-comics-should-rated-r-movies_article_118005.html

Sure, characters like Superman or the Fantastic Four lend themselves to a PG rating, but there are a whole lot more who don't. Here are a few costumed heroes who we think deserve an R rating for their next big screen adventure.

Zombies vs. Vampires

Url: http://www.mania.com/zombies-vs-vampires_article_117978.html
Picture: http://cdn-www.mania.com/content_pics/000005/14/53/9fdfc402ea5ca8b8_thumb.jpg

With both supernatural creatures being beloved by fans and within Hollywood, it's time to see a battle of bloodsuckers vs. brain eaters. Grab yourself a chair and get a front row seat (if you dare) for the battle of the century: Zombies vs. Vampires.

8 Reasons to Believe in Hollywood Again

Url: http://www.mania.com/8-reasons-to-believe-hollywood-again_article_117943.html

With online media and feedback focusing on negativity an overwhelming amount of the time, a surprising number quality genre films harmonized positive fan perspectives, delivering fascinating stories of complex characters embroiled in dramatic and very intense situations. Let's reflect on a few these hits and potential future genre success stories.



Stellan Skarsgard Cast in Thor

Url: http://www.mania.com/stellan-skarsgard-cast-thor_article_118027.html
Picture: http://cdn-www.mania.com/content_pics/000005/50/53/7ea4d43358ab3c69_thumb.jpg

Although for months it was speculated that Alexander Skarsgård ('True Blood') was a contender for a lead role in 'Thor', it appears that his father, actor Stellan Skarsgård has actually landed a role in the film.

New Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Trailer Online

Url: http://www.mania.com/new-parnassus-trailer-online_article_118099.html

A new trailer has appeared online for Terry Gilliam's next fantasy film, which will also be the late Heath Ledger's last release. Check it out here.

Predators Cast Locked In for Fox

Url: http://www.mania.com/predators-cast-locked_article_118058.html
Picture: http://cdn-www.mania.com/content_pics/000005/86/53/eaf305d38c3965d7_thumb.jpg

With Predators being fast-tracked for a summer 2010 release, executive producer Robert Rodriguez and distributor 20th Century Fox have their cast locked in with Adrien Brody and Topher Grace leading the deadly mercenary team.

Spider-Man 4 Writer to Direct Venom Spin-Off

Url: http://www.mania.com/spiderman-4-writer-to-direct-venom_article_118102.html

Gary Ross, who wrote-directed 'Pleasantville' and is the latest writer to lend his pen to the 'Spider-Man 4' script, has been tipped as the new scribe working on the 'Venom' spin-off movie.

Brad Anderson Directing The Living and the Dead

Url: http://www.mania.com/brad-anderson-to-direct-living-dead_article_118049.html
Picture: http://cdn-www.mania.com/content_pics/000005/76/53/b6faf7204769b9b0_thumb.jpg

Comics2Film at Mania.com has exclusively learned that director Brad Anderson has signed on to direct the filmed adaptation of the graphic novel 'The Living and the Dead' for Solipsist Films.


Mania Weekly Newsblast
The Destination for Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror and Anime Entertainment
October 2009, No. 1

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